Indigenous people around the world have lived connected, as one with the land for thousands of years, learning the ways and the secrets of the earth they walk on, and passing down this wisdom from generation to generation.

“Indigenous people make up less than 5% of the world’s population, yet they hold more than 80% of the entire world’s biodiversity on their lands.”
(see Forbes article )
The timeless wisdom of indigenous cultures—on living in harmony with nature, harnessing the healing power of plants, and safeguarding our Earth—carries profound significance. It transcends knowledge and information, embodying a deep connection to the world, and therefore demands preservation and awareness.



ACF’s mission is to protect LIFE by amplifying & safeguarding ancient indigenous wisdom and cultures for the elevation of human consciousness.

Our Endeavors

We stand at the confluence of ancestral heritage and scientific exploration. Through our diverse initiatives, we support indigenous communities, promote mental health research, and foster a global understanding of human consciousness.

Cultural Preservation

Scientific Research

Global Outreach

Be a Part of the Prophecy

Your contribution brings us closer to a harmonious future.
Join us in this vital mission.

Your Impact

Together we safeguard indigenous lands, cultures, and wisdom. It is crucial to understand and integrate the wisdom of those who live in harmony with the Earth. By protecting and sharing their wisdom, we can transform global consciousness and protect all forms of life